Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Road to a Lesser Dave: Day 1 - July 15, 2008

So the adventure begins! 1 day into my journey and I have already received so many well wishes and tips for consistent and safe weight loss:

Just a quick thought: if you're dying for a big honking meal, you can hit the kosher subway in Baltimore, where they have a bunch of sandwiches (stay away from the fatty dressing and pick the low fat subs) where you can get a foot long for 700 calories or so and feel like you ate like a king...
[From MathWiz]

I will let you in on my secret; Weight Watchers Online with e-tools. Maintaining the loss has not been hard because over time I've changed the way I deal with food altogether. I still eat, all the normal stuff, just less and modified. It works because you don't really do without. I think public blogging is a good way to keep you honest. For me, it was a more private endeavor.

Hatzlacha! (good luck)
[From Neighbor]

Day 1 Stats:

[Disclamer, I weight myslef before I post, which occurs at different point in the day, thus I will have pretty significant swings. But so long as the whole window of grand opportunity gets smaller I should know I am moving i the right direction.]

Weight: 307.2 Lbs.
Loss Actions: Drank 50oz of water and attempted not snacking.

Honestly first: Ok, not the best first day. I drank more water than usual and kept the unhealthy snacking to a minimun (1 breakfast bar and a ricecake), but did Jack Squat in terms of exercise.

---The pics were from the Nationals Game on Sunday, Jul 13, 2008. I got to see my "Montreal Expos" play in their brand new stadium.

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