Friday, July 25, 2008

The Road to a Lesser Dave: Day 11

My wife surprised me with a present on Monday. She was so excited to give it to me. Months ago I had discovered Snorg Tees, I great independent online t-shirt shop, and told her about a specific shirt, "I'm Huge in Japan." I thought it was hilarious. Months went by and I, of course, forgot all about my find. That was until Monday, when a package arrived in our mail and my wife had a huge smirk on.

I tore open the bag to find to my great delight the I'm huge in Japan t-shirt in an extra large. Unfortunately, I am no longer a slender extra large, I am now a more voluptuous double-wide, super fat, tres-tres-grande, extra extra large.

However, I am even more excited now.... I already have a prize awaiting my soon to be smaller figure.

Day 11 Stats

Weight: 301.2 Lbs.
Loss Actions: 36oz of water, a salad and tuna sandwich for lunch, and 2 bananas to mix up the snacking a little. ALso, I'm very happy t note that while I took a stroll to the local Starbucks with my boss, I did not make a sugar and fat withdrawal, I only enjoyed his lively conversation.


Chaviva Gordon-Bennett said...

Wahoo for weight loss! As someone who lost 25 pounds earlier this year (and despite going off the path has kept it off), I have about a million things I learned along the way that I can share with you if you're interested. Here are just a few that I found helpful.

Snacks = your friend, if they're the right snacks (fruit, chips and salsa, etc.).
Water = a lot of water is good for you, but it's not the best thing for you in mass quantities in truth (this is a common myth, think: water weight).
Green veggies = eat them with EVERY meal, you'll eat less of everything else.
Salads = are not the key to weight loss; they don't fill you up always, and they're good to pair with a nice portionized meal.
Cravings = if you are craving something sweet, make it work (fro yo, a couple pieces of dark chocolate, skinny cow treats, etc) If you don't feed the craving, it'll eat away at you until you binge.

I did weight watchers, which is the only thing that has ever worked for me because I didn't have to stop eating anything, you just change how you eat and it sticks with you (as is evidenced by me not having gained all the weight back).

G'LUCK! I can't wait to see your progress :)

Rizzo said...

American Apparel Tees fit slim - I'm 5'11" and weigh 195, and I wear a 2XL. I wear an XL in a normal t-shirt.

May I send you an invite to my website,, when it is ready? If you like Snorg, I think you'll like my tees. Peace.


Unknown said...

You will do great! Maybe we should have contest? I am so proud of your efforts! xoxo Ima

Anonymous said...

If you want to get a starbucks treat get an unsweetened iced coffee w/ soy topper. Starbucks uses a slightly sweetened soymilk so its super tasty with very low sugar and fat.

Chaviva Gordon-Bennett said...

My starbucks drink of choice is the double-shot on ice with skim milk. It has something like 90 calories and is otherwise probably one of the best things to get there :)

Rizzo said...

Should I be paying more attention to this? I get a Triple Venti Nonfat Nowhip Mocha. I just assumed that was low in calories!

Dave Weinberg said...

@Chaviva I've been drinking water like mad. So far I have been snacking less because of it, but not loosing weight. I think I'll write a post about this water myth tonight.

I will try the three suggested Starbucks drinks to see if I like the tastes (I also have to double check if they are all kosher).

@q Ya, send the tshirt site my way! weinberg81[at] I'd be happy to test drive your XL to see if your "roomier" prediction is true". (nothing raunchy, this is a clean site...)

@DrMusic Contest? Hmmm.. we'll see, I think with your record you are a sure win. But thanks for the warm thoughts and encouragement!

@anonymous Good tip!