Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Road to a Lesser Dave: Day 15

I'm not going to lie to you. I will not mince words in your presence. I am not a happy man today. I am hopeful that these feelings will not blend into tomorrow. Today, I feel a sense of inadequacy and the pain in knowing that some of my life's goals have been placed at, or what at least for now seems like, an almost unreachable distance away from me. I don't feel it necessary to expound upon the nature of these feeling beyond what I have mentioned, nor the reasons behind which they manifested themselves. Suffice to say, it's been a sh*tty afternoon/evening.

On to better things. I had a meeting this evening about a wonderful new charity initiative that a friend is contemplating and has consulted me about. Before our meeting we got under way, one buddy of mine sat down next to me and mentioned out load in a very pleased way,
I love your blog! I read it every day. I've never done this before, but I love seeing what Dave has done today.
Thanks! I'm still astonished at all the replies and virtual pats on the back. Some have even gone so far as to offer real world solutions and options to help me along in the process.

Day 15 Stats

306.8 Lbs. (I forgot to do this in the morning, so this number is not so reliable).

Loss Actions:
28oz of water, and 4 cookies by way of a snack. I spent 25 solid minutes "sweating to the new-ies" playing Dance Dance Revolution (DDR). After my meeting (see above) I chose to walk my buddy up 2 flights of stairs to his apartment on the 10th floor then down the 7 flights to my own on 3.

1 comment:

ezrabutler said...


I'm not going to mince words with you. It's not going to be easy. But once you get to that target weight, you will forget about all the hard work and enjoy in the fruits of your labor. But it's going to be a damn hard road.
