Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Road to a Lesser Dave: Day 30

Aha ha ha ha... 2 new pairs of shoes! Aha ha ha ha....

With my new found time, my wife and I are attempting to spend way more time together; taking outings, running errands, being all blissful 'n stuff. Today, we went to the Arundel Mills outlet mall near BWI airport, a huge shopping and walking event.

The only store I was excited about was the Vans outlet. For those of you who don't know this about me, I LOVE my Vans. I have now gone through 2 pairs and I mean really worn through. One was orange (that was the far subtler one) and one was black and orange squares. I loved them and wore them everywhere: to weekday services, on vacation, even to work sometimes. A few months ago, I totally wore them out and was asked not to wear them anymore by my loving wife and several co-workers (they had holes on the sides and back).

Today I bought 2 new pairs! I almost left with just one, but after searching the back of the store for any more 13's, the clerk brought out the above pair and said that after the "buy one get one half off" deal which was going on, they would only cost $5! Deal. I know I can find enough occasions to wear my new bat/count slip-on Vans to make them well worth the investment.

Day 30 Stats


Loss Actions:
Yesterday I played the Wii fit for 36 min! I love the Wii and one day I hope to own my own. Thanks Jason...

Today, after walking around the mall for an hour, my wife had some pain in her abdomen. Being pregnant, she immediately called her doctor. The secretary there told her to go home "right now" and put her feet up. That meant "RIGHT NOW!" I happily obliged, bags and drinks in tow. Upon reaching the car I realized the keys were in my wife's purse. 10 minutes, briskly, back to her to get the keys and drop off the bags (I left the drinks on our car roof). 10 more minutes back to the car and I was done, sweaty and out of breath, but we left, feet up and all.

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