Friday, July 18, 2008

The Road to a Lesser Dave: Day 4

Yesterday, signed up for Freecycle, a sort of free giveaway program online. Each community has their own, where you can offer things you no longer want or post for something you do. I posted that I was looking for an adult sized relatively new bike. I haven't heard anything back yet. My next step is our local list serve then family then friends, then if all else fails, I may buy one.

Any clue where else I can turn?

With the economy the way it is, we are really trying to curb our spending habits. I've even begun reading financial tightwad style blogs like "Get Rich Slowly" and "Zen Habits" ans sign up for Mint (really cool financial management software).

So far the best thing we have done is open in ING Direct Orange Savings Account (high yield saving account online). If you haven't done this yet... go do it now! There is only a $250 minimum to open an account and then with auto deposits and high return interest, all is smooth sailing. Our first house, here we come!

Where do you get you budget and spending motivation and advice from?

Lat night, post posting I received another email,
Maybe the way you're posting is a little bit of a downer. Each day you post your "Loss Actions", the things you do to lose weight, and none of them are fun: skipping a snack, exercising, etc. Maybe you should keep track of all the stuff you did get to eat. Say you have 2000 calories in a day, that still includes lots of good food, and at the end of the day you may feel less deprived if you have a long list of things you enjoyed instead of the things you had to forego.
[From MathWiz]

What do you think? I'll try to be more "upbeat", but I'm not sure I'm yet ready for, "Yay, 23 celery stick... hot diggity".

Day 2 Stats
Weight: 301.6 Lbs.
Loss Actions:
Today was a level 5 heat wave day in DC, even the buses were free so people wouldn't randomly collapse while walking, thus my lack of activity. I drank the requisite 40oz of water and did not snack at all. This weekend will bring real exercise with walking and dancing and more! Thanks for reading...

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